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Club Policies, Handbook, & General Information
At White Squirrel Golf Club, we take pride in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for golfers of all levels. Our club handbook is designed to provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your time here. From course etiquette and policies, to membership benefits and loyalty program details, you'll find everything you need to know right at your fingertips.
Code of Conduct
The intention of this Code of Conduct is to establish clear and acceptable behaviour expectations for White Squirrel Golf Club members, guests and public user groups. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all members, guests and public user groups can expect to be treated with respect while playing, working, or utilising the facilities at the Club.
Club staff is authorised to approach any person if proper behaviour is not adhered to. Serious infractions could result in cancellation of facility access or membership privileges, suspension of golf privileges at any time without refund or other disciplinary action as may be required. This includes conduct in the clubhouse, on the golf course, the driving range, driving golf carts and in dealings with employees. White Squirrel Golf Club requires that members and employees are personally responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their guests in all matters involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Club premises. Control measures are put in place by White Squirrel Golf Club to ensure the safety of members and guests, but at no time are to be regarded as a substitute for personal responsibility.
- Any conduct considered threatening or harassing or that could threaten the physical or emotional safety of the individual and or others shall not be tolerated.
- White Squirrel Golf Club shall not tolerate sexual harassment of any kind. Sexual harassment includes any conduct, comment, gesture or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence, humiliation or that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Although the offender may not perceive their comments or actions to be discriminatory or unwelcome because the defender did not communicate their discomfort does not excuse the behaviour.
- Inappropriate expressions of anger towards other members, guests or staff are not acceptable and foul or abusive language shall not be tolerated at any time. Under no circumstances shall any members or guests abuse any employee verbally or otherwise. Any complaints about employees or the operation of the Club must be made in writing to Director of Golf, Brittany Nigh. Verbal complaints will not be considered.
- Intoxication shall not be tolerated and anyone who exhibits behaviour that would suggest the person is intoxicated will be refused service and anyone believed to have consumed alcohol not purchased from White Squirrel Golf Club shall be dealt with accordingly.
- Any conduct that could result in damage to the property of White Squirrel Golf Club is deemed unacceptable. As is conduct that negatively impacts partnerships or business relationships that White Squirrel has created in the operation of the golf course.
Any member, guest or public player who believes that he or she, or his or her guest, have been offended by refusal of service by staff, or action taken by an employee, should not take issue with the staff member. Any grievance should be placed in writing before the Executive Director, Dan McLaughlin at [email protected].
Cancellation Policy
Please be aware of our cancellation policy before booking a tee-time.
All tee-time bookings require a valid credit card on file. We require 24 hours cancellation or amendment to tee-time bookings.
What does this actually mean?
You must call or email the Pro Shop 24 hours or more in advance to cancel or change the number of players in your booking without penalty. Failure to do so (or doing so within the 24 hour window) will result in the card on file being charged the posted green fee rate for the booking if the group does not show up, or shows up with less players than has been booked.
If the tee-time falls within the 24 hr booking policy timeframe, then the tee-time automatically becomes non-refundable.
Credit Card will not be charged at time of booking, unless you opt to pay online.
Credit Card will only be charged in case of a late cancellation, short-show, or no-show.
A greenfee “raincheck” for the equivalent of the charged amount will be issued to the booker.
Exception to the above policy is if the golf course is deemed unplayable or the golf course is not able to permit power carts, due to weather on the day of play.
Players repetitively not following the cancellation policy as outlined herein will be subject to suspension of playing privileges.
Dress Code
White Squirrel Golf Club offers members and guests a relaxed and fun golfing experience! We want you to be comfortable, but with that in mind, we still like to maintain modest dress guidelines. Jeans and athletic lifestyle wear are welcome, but please no ripped jeans or cut-offs. Swimsuits, short shorts, tank tops and halters should be reserved for the beach.
Our maintenance staff works hard to keep our greens in mint condition, so running shoes or soft spikes only please. Members & guests must wear footwear at all times for their health and safety. You can visit our pro-shop if you need golf attire that is comfortable and compliant.
On-Course Presence of Non-Golfers
Non-playing persons may accompany golfers on the course as follows:
- A cart fee (either 9 hole or 18 hole posted rate) is applicable for all non-playing persons who accompany golfers on the course.
- Non-playing persons who accompany golfers on the course who wish to walk will be permitted to do so after 6PM.
- Infants and strollers are permitted after 6PM.
- Parents/Legal Guardians will be required to sign liability waiver on behalf of any minors.
Any non-playing persons must follow safety protocols, power cart procedures, and all other on-course etiquette and Code of Conduct. Any non-playing persons found to be a distraction to playing persons or groups that have failed to maintain pace of play that have non-playing persons joining, will be asked to evacuate the playing area.
Support persons should refer to the Accessibility Policy.
Slow Play
One of the biggest complaints we hear from golfers is about slow play. Our course marshals are there to make everyone’s experience enjoyable and have the authority to let groups know they are falling behind or suggest they skip a hole to catch up. Please remind your guests it is their responsibility to keep up with the group ahead of them. Our entire team works hard to maintain our golf course and beautiful facility. Please let your guests know they are expected to repair ball marks, rake sand traps, and fill divots.
Food & Alcohol
We want everyone to have fun –just in a respectful and safe manner! All food and beverage products must be supplied by White Squirrel Golf Club. We are mandated under our license agreement with the A.G.C.O. to provide you with these products. We enforce a zero-tolerance policy for outside alcohol. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the course unless purchased from White Squirrel Golf Club. We reserve the right to revoke playing privileges from any participants bringing outside alcohol. We have multiple outlets you can purchase beverages from as well as mobile drink cart service!
Golf With Kids
We encourage you to bring kids and new golfers to White Squirrel, here’s some things to keep in mind before you come!
1. Book an “Off-Peak” time
No one likes being rushed, especially new golfers, so pick a time that is “quiet” on the golf course. Later in the evening is perfect for this. There may also be specials offered at this time to encourage new golfers and families! If other golfers do catch you, let them play through.
2. Strategies for success
Do you remember your first time golfing? The hole can seem miles long when you are a kid!
- Play a modified scramble -everyone tees off then pick the best drive and play the hole from there
- Play alternate shot -a great way for everyone to contribute, take turns hitting the same ball
- Tee-it up from 100yds in for your Junior to start making Pars & keep them engaged around the green
- Time-saving ideas like a “hand wedge” out of the sand or a “magic putt” can save frustration for everyone.
- Don’t focus on the Score
Be an example of a good attitude for your junior. The score doesn’t matter! Mark each hole with a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down…smiley face or frown.. What is more important is proper etiquette, where to stand when other players are hitting, respecting the golf course, and repairing ball marks and divots.
4. Set up a mini competition
It doesn’t have to be fancy… whoever makes the longest putt gets a toonie, or maybe Dad buys everyone ice cream after the game! Nothing motivates kids more than a little incentive.
5. Have fun!
If your child is not 100% into the “golf” that’s okay. You don’t have to get through all 9 holes. They probably like riding the cart, getting to spend time together, looking for turtles in the pond, or chicken fingers on the patio. For new golfers, focus on making some memories, the good shots will come!
6. Plan for snacks, water, & sunscreen! Just like at the beach, a couple hours in the sun can take alot out of your new golfers. Dress for the weather and pack extra layers in case you are still out when the sun goes down. Don’t forget bugspray! Our proshop has lots of snacks and drinks to choose from if you don’t pack your own.